If you’ve never heard of borscht before, you’re in for a treat!

Said to have origins in Ukraine, borscht is a red soup that has since made its way across various

continents. The main ingredient is beetroot, but don’t worry, you don’t have to like beetroot to enjoy this soup! Though, you do need like vegetables.

And if you don’t like vegetables, well, you can still add da meat.

Important Notes for Your Vegetarian Borscht

Again, this can be made with meat if you prefer to have it in there.

When it comes to choosing the beets, the fresher you can buy them, the tastier the soup. The recipe will still work with packaged beets, but it’s not near as tasty. Be careful WHERE you decide to peel and chop your beetroots, they do STAIN. (You’re best to be naked for this one LOL)

Your choice to peel or not to peel – they keep a nice texture with

Ingredients | Vegetarian Borscht: A Tasty Russian-Style Soup That Will Make It To Your Recipes


2 beets peeled and roughly chopped **(see above note 2)**

3 med-sized carrots sliced **(see above note 3)**

1 onion diced

2 potatoes roughly chopped

1 leek chopped

Half head of celery root chopped

1 can of white beans drained and rinsed


1 tbsp broth

Salt & Pepper to taste

Sour cream

Vegetarian Borscht Directions:

  1. Chop all the veg into bite-size pieces (you can make them bigger or smaller to your liking).
  2. Drain and rinse the can of white beans.
  3. Combine all veg into a med-large pot and over the veg with water.
  4. Add 1 tbsp of broth and cover.
  5. Bring to a boil. Then lower heat to medium and continue cooking for 30-40 mins (or until the beets become soft).
  6. Salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Serve with sour cream on the side or with a dollop of sour cream on top.

For more recipes like this one, go here.

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