Home » 5 Effective Ways to Make Extra Money… For Travel

When the pursuit of financial resources intensifies, individuals may contemplate various measures, some of which border on the extreme.

While I may not subscribe to the notion of resorting to anything and everything, I have, at times, ventured into the depths of resourcefulness during moments of financial strain. It’s remarkable how desperation can lead one to explore uncharted territories. On a more optimistic note, all these endeavors were undertaken with a singular purpose: to fund my passion for travel.

In the spirit of kindling inspiration, I’m excited to share the effective strategies I’ve unearthed for augmenting my travel funds.

Creative Strategies for Boosting Your Travel Fund

1. Craigslist

For North Americans, Craigslist serves as a widely embraced platform for various purposes, such as buying and selling items, searching for apartments, and seeking job opportunities.

It’s essentially a treasure trove for uncovering effective methods to supplement your income! (You can explore it here to explore the possibilities.) Oftentimes, you’ll come across day jobs or one-time gigs that offer quick earnings. In university towns, for instance, students frequently require assistance with moving and are willing to compensate you, bypassing the hefty fees of professional moving companies. This type of assistance is in high demand, particularly during the bustling move-in and move-out seasons.

Craigslist also boasts numerous part-time or weekend-only opportunities. So, if you’re looking for flexible ways to earn extra income… The work isn’t always glorious, but sometimes you’ll find that rare opportunity, that resume builder, that once-in-a-lifetime experience – like when a movie crew pays you to be their assistant during their 3-day film stay in town.

On-scene capture from my 3 day adventure as a movie production assistant | Effective Ways to Make Extra Money... For Travel
On-scene capture from my 3 day adventure as a movie production assistant for the documentary Sexplanation

2. Sell Your Clothes… or Someone Else’s

“If it doesn’t bring you joy, let it go.”

Marie Kondo (paraphrased)

A friend shared this quote with me once and it’s been my de-cluttering proverb ever since.

To help me live by this mantra, I leverage platforms like Poshmark (in the US) and Vinted (in Europe). These clothing apps are tailored for buying and selling clothes. After conducting a thorough closet purge and encouraging my family to do the same, I listed the items on Poshmark. Another alternative is Mercari, although its interface may not be as aesthetically pleasing, it offers lower shipping and handling fees, allowing you to maximize your earnings from each sale.

And of course, there’s always eBay!

3. Leverage Your Talents or Acquire New Skills

My grandmother was a gifted seamstress, possessing remarkable skills in the craft. For many years, I harbored the desire to learn from her, but the opportunity never materialized. However, when circumstances called for a full-time caregiver, I eagerly stepped into the role, and it was during that cherished time together my grandmother became my teacher, imparting her sewing expertise.

Armed with this newfound skill, I began mending garments, crafting custom-made pillows, and fashioning stuffed animals, which I later sold as heartfelt Christmas gifts for children.

A proud picture of my very first handmade stuffed animal. This narwhal was made with much love and care. | Effective Ways to Make Extra Money... For Travel
A proud picture of my first stuffed narwhal. Made with much love and care <3

4. Seize Opportunities When They Knock

Embracing opportunities when they come knocking has been a cornerstone of my approach to earning money for travel. From taking on laborious renovation tasks at a 60-year-old house that eventually turned into a full-time commitment to becoming a biweekly nail technician for extra income, I’ve learned to recognize and grab these chances when they arise. The willingness to step out of my comfort zone and seize these opportunities has consistently paved the way for additional income streams, ultimately helping me fund my travel aspirations.

5. Organize Yard Sales for Extra Cash

When I was committed to saving every penny, I made yard sales an annual tradition. I meticulously planned, organized, promoted, and hosted these events. While they demanded considerable effort, I found the financial returns to be entirely worthwhile.

Yard sales tend to be most successful when the weather is still pleasant. The one I held in late May was a bit too warm for comfort, but it still yielded a substantial financial boost.

A picture of our annual yard sale. This particular sale was held late May - everyone was melting! | Effective Ways to Make Extra Money... For Travel
Annual Yard Sale – May

Bottom Line:

When you’re on the hunt for swift and effective methods to earn extra cash, don’t shy away from seizing the opportunities that come your way. It’s essential to recognize that not all money-making endeavors will be enjoyable, but staying committed to your goal is crucial. With each hard-earned dollar, your travel dreams inch closer to reality. Moreover, as you declutter and part ways with possessions, you’ll likely find the urge to continue streamlining your belongings. Identify items that occupy valuable space, convert everything you can into cash, and channel those funds into something truly valuable: your travel adventures.

For more financial travel wisdom read Budgeting Hacks for the New (and Experienced) Traveler

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  1. So true! That’s one topic I think should be covered entirely on its own. Thank you for your comment!

  2. Thanks for the tips you are discussing on this blog site. Another thing I’d like to say is that getting hold of duplicates of your credit history in order to examine accuracy of each and every detail may be the first step you have to carry out in repairing credit. You are looking to freshen your credit report from destructive details mistakes that spoil your credit score.

    1. I hope they are useful for you! And yes, I didn’t even consider going into credit, but this can be important to consider as well! Thank you

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