
Before we step into my world, let me tell you a little about this blog.

This blog is for the budget traveler that loves staying in amazingly beautiful places without paying awfully luxurious costs. For the traveler that loves to research and plan, but appreciates getting great travel advice and tips from a friend. For the culture-diver that enjoys authentic experiences through new foods, local customs and languages. The adventurous risk-taker who is a financially responsible budgeter, but loves to splurge on occasion. 😉

If you’re a light hiker, but still-learning-to-be the light packer who loves late mornings. A mindful traveler that loves cafes, and is always happy chillin’ in a green space. (Especially if that space comes with an amazing view).

This blog is to motivate you for long(er)-term travel, inspire your next short-term vacation, and teach you about living abroad.

Now a little about me…

My travel experience abroad began when I was a child – my mother has always loved to travel – but it wasn’t until my senior year of university that I realized just how important these oversea adventures truly are.

In 2014, I took a big step to leave my precious cat Wally, my partner, and friends and family to embark on my first solo adventure living abroad. Although I lost my cat, partner, and and some friends, it was then and continues to be the best path I could’ve chosen for myself. A lot changed for me that year and when I returned it was kind of difficult to recognize myself. In the most positive ways. I became a more understanding, patient, confident human being who was more equipped than ever to face the world ahead.

My mission is to move you out of your comfort zone, expand your pocket of opportunity, and connect with like-minded people like you. I believe there is so much to be learned in life, but if you’re like me, you learn a lot better by being and doing.

Which is why I want you to be and do.

To start you on your next journey, here’s a FREE PDF Traveler’s Packing List