I’m Christina Ojeda, a being from small-town Midwest, USA.

Unlike the typical left-my-career story, my travel started shortly after studying abroad and graduating Uni. Not so interesting story short, there wasn’t a career path I could decide on. After finishing university, I had two degrees and a certificate to my name, but still no direction of what to do next. And the 9-5, working for a retirement lifestyle repelled me. (I always liked to live life a little differently.)

My motivations? Learn a new language and travel.

So that’s really where my story begins.

I started working. A lot. Stashing all my savings for travel. When suddenly, a new language camp opened up at my local university and just like that, all my savings went to an intensive workshop for Portuguese (Brazilian).

After 8 weeks of eating, sleeping, and breathing Brazilian culture, I knew I needed to go to Brazil. So, the next months were spent working. A lot. Stashing all my savings for travel. When suddenly a new volunteer program opened up with the same non-profit I studied abroad with. The opportunity? Teaching English in Portugal. I jumped on it.

After 8 weeks of eating, sleeping, and breathing Portuguese culture, I knew I needed to go to Brazil. Then sure enough, one incoming phone call later, I’ve got a flight booked for Rio. And again, I spent the next months working. A lot. Stashing all my savings for travel.

When the time came to say goodbye to my friends after a week of exploring the city streets of Rio, my I stayed. And stayed and stayed and stayed.

That’s when I realized working and travel could be combined. And I’ve been pretty much living my life accordingly ever since.

I live to travel and I travel to live.

My way of traveling is always in search for experience. The experience of life in another city, another country, another continent. To meet locals, live like they do, and to feel their culture at the core of it.

I want integration when I go somewhere.

And so, I’ve created this website to help fellow travelers and world explorers like you to make the most of whatever path you’ve decided to venture onto. Sharing insider tips, recommendations, helpful insights, and tools to get you where you want to go so you, too, can experience your travel at the fullest.